Sarah Hall
Workforce Consultant
Phone: +1 612-624-4847
Address: Institute on Community Integration, Room 2-509 MIDB, 2025 East River Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55414
Sarah Hall conducts research in the areas of social inclusion of older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities transitioning to retirement; the recruitment, retention, and competencies of direct support workers and their supervisors through customized support and training; the social inclusion of young adults with intellectual disability; and siblings of adults with IDD. As a sibling of a brother with multiple disabilities, she is also interested in family relationships and supports. Sarah is a Fellow of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and serves on their Executive Committee of their Religion and Spirituality Division. She also served on the Board of Directors for Ohio SIBS (Special Initiatives by Brothers and Sisters) for eight years and co-coordinated a transition retreat for high school students with IDD and their siblings. Sarah received her doctorate from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and was an associate professor at Ashland University, teaching courses in special education.