Data Solutions


Phone: +1 612-624-6083

Address: Institute on Community Integration, Room 1-340 MIDB, 2025 East River Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55414

Sandra Pettingell contributes statistical and research methodology consultation to numerous research studies, providing support in instrument development, data management, statistical analysis, and interpretation of findings. She also helps conduct complex quantitative analytic methods including mediation analyses, growth curves, and multi-level modeling. With five years of experience developing and standardizing educational and achievement tests and over 20 years as a research associate, Sandra specializes in large-scale, multi-wave longitudinal data sets. She spent 19 years in the schools of Adolescent Medicine and Nursing where her research focus was examining risk and protective factors for multiple health outcomes. Sandra earned her master's and doctorate degrees in Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

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