Jerry Smith
Marketing and Media Solutions
Phone: +1 612-624-4336
Fax: +1 612-625-6619
Address: Institute on Community Integration, 2-318 MIDB, 2025 East River Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55414
Jerry Smith is an award-winning filmmaker and media director specializing in documentary and educational programs supporting the full inclusion of people with developmental and other disabilities. As a creative marketing professional, he is a leader in developing marketing and brand strategies, nurturing strategic partnerships, and curating content that brings stories about community living for people with disabilities to life. At the Institute on Community Integration, Jerry directs a staff of writers, editors, graphic designers, and media producers in creating and disseminating content for a wide range of programs and audiences. He also directs knowledge translation activities for the Institute, ensuring research findings are accessible and useful to policymakers, families, and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Jerry earned a bachelor's in philosophy from Central Michigan University and an MBA in marketing from the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.